Auto Mode

More on Shooting

Color Options

A(auto) M d(Shooting menu) M Color options

Make colors more vivid or save images in monochrome.

nStandard color (default setting)

Use for images exhibiting natural color.

oVivid color

Use to achieve a vivid, “photoprint” effect.


Save images in black-and-white.


Save images in sepia tones.


Save images in cyan-blue monochrome.

The icon for the current setting is displayed in the monitor during shooting (A 8). However, when Standard color is selected, no icon is displayed. The effects of the selected option can be previewed in the monitor.

BNote on Color Options

This feature cannot be used simultaneously with certain features. “Camera Settings that Cannot

60Be Set at the Same Time” (A 61)

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Nikon L310 Color Options, Make colors more vivid or save images in monochrome, Aauto M dShooting menu M Color options