Nortel Networks 1150E manual To cancel Remote Call Forward

Models: 1150E

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Additional Call Features

6.Dial the number where you want to forward your calls. If you forward calls to an invalid number, you receive a fast busy tone.


7.Press the # Key.

8.To forward calls to a previous call forward phone number, skip step six above

To cancel Remote Call Forward:

1. Lift the handset on the remote phone that you are using to cancel forwarding of your calls.

2.If you call from a phone outside the system, first dial your Direct Inward System Access number and wait for dial tone.

3.Dial the Remote Call Forward Deactivate FFC.

4. Dial your Station Control Password.

5.Dial your Individual Line (DN). You get a dial tone before you dial your number.


6. Press the # Key.


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Nortel Networks 1150E manual To cancel Remote Call Forward