Creating a DPOF Print Order: Print Set
Computers, Televisions, to Connecting
5 Choose whether or not to also print shooting date and photo information.
[Date]: Print date of recording on all pictures in the print order.
[Info]: Print shutter speed and aperture on all pictures in the print order. Note that this information is not printed with direct connection to a printer.
[Done]:Complete the print order and exit.
Pictures selected for printing are recognized by the w icon displayed with playback.
Print set
15/11/2007 15:30 M 0004.JPG
4 4
Printers and
jPrint Set
[Date] and [Info] are reset each time the print set menu is displayed.
kDeleting All Print Orders
Choose [Delete print set] in step 3 and press d. Print orders for all pictures will be deleted.
kNote on the Print Set [Date] Option
The date and time printed on pictures with DPOF printing when [Date] in the print set menu is enabled are those recorded with the picture when it was taken. Date and time printed using this option are not affected when the camera’s date and time setting are changed from the setup menu after pictures are recorded.
lDifferences Between Print Set and Date Imprint
Date and time can only be printed on pictures using the [Date] option in the print set menu when pictures are printed from a