Shooting Options: The Shooting Menu
Capture a fleeting expression on a portrait subject, photograph a subject that is moving unpredictably, or capture motion in a series of pictures. Focus, exposure, and white balance are fixed at the values for the first picture in each series.
rSingle (default setting)
One shot is taken each time
While the
Each time
16 shots at about 0.8 frames per second and arrange them in a single picture (E 3,200 ⋅ 2,400 pixels, the compression ratio is approximately 1:8) as shown at right.
Digital zoom cannot be applied.
At settings other than [Single], the indicator for the current setting is displayed in the monitor (c 8).
kNote on Continuous Shooting
Menus Setup and Playback, Shooting,
The maximum frame rate with continuous shooting may vary depending upon the current |
image mode setting and the memory card used. | 93 |