1.Page orientation sets


portrait (tall) or



landscape (wide) page



orientation. The



“rotated” rotates the


paper through 90



degrees anti-








When printing double


sided pages (duplex




unit required). You can flip the paper either on its long edge or short edge.

3.Pages can be printed in forward or reverse order. If using the face down (top) paper stacker, forward order is usually appropriate to ensure that pages are stacked in numerical order. If using the face up (rear) paper stacker, reverse order would normally stack your pages in numerical order.

4.You can specify how many pages to print on a sheet. Pages will be scaled to fit the number you choose. If you choose booklet printing (requires duplex unit) two pages will automatically be set, and pages will be printed with the correct pages opposite one another so that folding the stacked printout produces a booklet.

5.Advanced options are also available, such as how to download TrueType fonts, and whether advanced options such as booklet printing are available.

The printer driver contains extensive on-line help for these items to help you make the most appropriate choices.

A guide to printing > 25