71 Receiving Faxes


" If an image does not fit within a page, any part of the image exceeding
24mm is cut off and printed on the next page.
LEGAL 13.5 OFF Less than 335 1 page
356 – 662 Divide into 2 pages
663 – 989 Divide into 3 pages
990 - Divide into 4 pages or more
ON Less than 331 1 page
332 – 654 Divide into 2 pages
655 – 977 Divide into 3 pages
978 - Divide into 4 pages or more
paper size Footer Length of received
image, mm Printing
A4 OFF Less than 289 1 page
290 – 313 Print into 1 page. 1-24mm of end
is cut.
314 – 570 Divide into 2 pages
571 – 594 Divide into 2 pages. 1-24mm of
end is cut.
595 – 851 Divide into 3 pages
852 - Divide into 3 pages....
ON Less than 285 1 page
286 – 309 Print into 1 page. 1-24mm of end
is cut.
310 – 562 Divide into 2 pages
563 – 586 Divide into 2 pages. 1-24mm of
end is cut.
587 – 839 Divide into 3 pages
840 - Divide into 3 pages....
paper size Footer Length of received
image, mm Printing