Playback Options: The Playback Menu
Menus Setup and Playback Shooting,
cbutton (Playback mode) Md(Playback menu) McDelete
Delete selected pictures or all pictures.
Erase selected images
Select a picture in the picture selection screen and delete the image. See “Selecting Pictures” (A112) for more information.
Erase all images
Delete all pictures.
BNotes on Deletion
•Once deleted, pictures cannot be recovered. Transfer important images to a computer before deletion.
•Pictures marked with the sicon are protected and cannot be deleted.
cbutton (Playback mode) Md(Playback menu) MdProtect
Protect selected pictures from accidental deletion.
Choose pictures in the picture selection screen to apply the protect option. See “Selecting Pictures” (A112) for more information.
Note that formatting the camera’s internal memory or the memory card will permanently delete protected files (A130).
Protected pictures are recognized by the sicon (A9, 54).