animation 83 Answer button 37 answering the phone 37, 42 antenna 7

Appearance page 99, 100 applications

accessing help for 2 accessing shortcut menus


associating with buttons 107

battery life and 26 closing 21 customizing 106 downloading 89 installing 88 opening 21, 116 phone conversations and

running 41 transferring information

from 24

turning sounds on or off for 105

viewing main menus 15 appointments

adding 55

entering multiple 55 viewing 54

arrow icons (navigator) 11

Assign a program list 107 attachments

See also email adding 62, 88 downloading 63 opening 63 receiving 63

audio 78

See also media files; music

auto-keyguard feature 108 Auto-Keyguard settings 109 Auto-lock settings 109 auto-off interval 115 auto-shut off timer 94


backgrounds 75, 99 backlight (keyboard) 18 Backspace key 17 battery

charging 25 maximizing life of 25 viewing status of 32

battery door release 8, 9 battery icon 25 battery status icons 32 Beam… command 71 beaming 70, 88, 115

Bluetooth devices compatibility with 68 connecting to 68–70phone calls and 47

Bluetooth feature 69 Bluetooth icon 33 Bluetooth status indicator 33 border glow highlight 13 Brightness command 76 brightness icons (camera) 75,


brightness, adjusting 75, 76, 106

browsing files and folders 87 browsing the web. See web

browsing built-in applications 2 buttons

activating menus and 15 associating with

applications 107 disabling 108 editing speed-dial 45 on 5-way navigator 11 opening applications and

21 reassigning 107 selecting or activating 13

118I N D E X

Page 124
Image 124
Palm 700wx manual Audio, Brightness, adjusting 75, 76