How to Test Run the Air Conditioner
After turning on the power of the air conditioner, use the remote controller and follow the steps below to conduct the test run.
(1)Set the remote controller in Test Run mode. (Fig. 59a)
a)Press and hold the QUIET button and the 1HR. TIMER button.
b)Then press and hold the ACL (Reset) button with a pointed object such as the tip of a pen. After 5 sec- onds, release the ACL button first.
c)Then release the QUIET and 1HR. TIMER buttons.
d) appears and
(2)Start Cooling mode test run by pressing the ON/OFF operation button of the remote controller. (Fig. 59a)
7KLVVWDUWVWKHIDQSURGXFLQJXQFRROHGIRUFHGDLUZLWK the 3 indicator lamps (OPERATION lamp, TIMER lamp and QUIET lamp) on the main unit blinking. (Fig. 59c)
$IWHUPLQXWHVWKHV\VWHPVKLIWVLQWRFRROLQJRSHUD tion, and cool air will start to be felt. Cooling mode test run is unaffected by the room temperature.
(3)Press the ON/OFF operation button of the remote con- troller again to stop the test run. (Fig. 59a)
(4)Finally press the ACL (Reset) button of the remote con- troller to release it from Test Run mode to return to nor- mal mode. (Fig. 59a)
´ µDQG´R3µZLOOGLVDSSHDUIURPWKHUHPRWHFRQ troller clock display area.
In the event that the green “OPERATION lamp” is blinking upon powering up the system, an error condition exists. In this case, refer to the
After the test run is completed, be sure to press the ACL (Reset) button to return to normal mode. The air conditioner will not operate correctly if this is not done.
| ON/OFF | |
QUIET | operation | |
button | ||
button | ||
TIMER button
ACL (Reset) button
Fig. 59a
Fig. 59b
TIMER lamp
QUIET lamp
Fig. 59c