Key Telephone Features Message Waiting/Callback Request
Revised April 2000 DBS 824-3.0/3.2-700 3-57
The phone issues intercom dial tone.
The ON/OFF LED lights.
2. Press the
CONF key twice.
The most recent Callback Request appears on the display.
3. Press the
ON/OFF key.
The ON/OFF LED goes off.
4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 to view other Callback Requests.
To cancel a Callback Request:
1. Press the
ON/OFF key.
The phone issues intercom dial tone.
The ON/OFF LED lights.
2. Press the
AUTO key.
3. Press the
FLASH key.
“Call Back Cancel” appears on the display.
4. Press the
ON/OFF key.
The ON/OFF LED goes off.
Related Programming
FF1 (System) Extension Class of Service Setting
FF3 (Extension) Extension Class of Service Assignment
When your extension has receive d several Callback Requests, the number
of requests appears on the left side of the display.
Up to four Callback Requests can be sent to any one extension. The order
of the messages can then be changed by the party receiving the requests.
If you call the same exte nsion a second time and the party answers, any
Callback Requests you sent earlier will be cancelled.