Upper body massage
QThe automatic course is not strong enough even at the strongest setting or are too strong even at the weakest setting.
ATry the following methods.
<If the automatic course is not strong enough even at the strongest setting>
Recline the backrest. The extra body weight adds intensity to the massage.
<If the automatic course is too strong even at the weakest setting>
Place a piece of fabric or blanket between you and the backrest to decrease the sensation of the massage heads.
If you feel too strong at your lower back, you can also push the lower back air button to discharge some of the air in the lower back area. This decreases the sensation.
QThere is a delay in movement when adjusting the position.
AThe chair may not move immediately depending on when the POSITION button is pushed.
(There may be a small time lag. This is not an abnormality.)
If long beeps sound when the button is pushed, this means that it is at the furthest position and cannot move any further.
QThe height (intensity) on the left feels different to that on the right. Is this OK?
AIt is designed to differ in some cases.
An alternating tapping mechanism is used to create a more natural sensation. The massage heads therefore do not move in unison in some massages.
The height (intensity) on the left differs from that on the right in these massages. This is not a malfunction.
Hand & arm massages
QThe intensity in the left hand & arm differs from that in the right.
AOnly one hand at a time is strongly massaged so that the massage can be immediately stopped using the other hand in the event of an abnormality or danger.
QRed marks are left on the underside of my hands/arms after a hand & arm massage.
AMarks may remain on the hands and arms after use. These eventually fade and are not a problem.
QArm air pressure is applied more times on one side than on the other during the automatic courses.
AChanging settings such as intensity (back or air) or position can cause air pressure to be applied on one side more than on the other. This is not an abnormality.
◦The air action works in connection with the
back massage, so changing the settings can change the air action.
Operating sounds during air
QA rattling sound occurs under the seat during the air massage. Is this a malfunction?
AThis is an operating sound that is designed to occur during air massages. It is not a malfunction.