this is not possible, however, try to take measurements at a specified time prior to breakfast, and before you have become active. You should relax for about 5 minutes before taking the measurement. The following situations may cause substantial variations in blood pressure readings and should therefore be avoided at least
30 minutes prior to taking your blood pressure. Blood pressure will be higher than usual:
-when you are excited or tense
-when you are taking a bath
-during exercising or soon after exercising
-when it is cold
-within one hour after eating
-after drinking coffee, tea or other beverages containing caffeine
-after smoking tobacco
-when your bladder is full
-when in a moving vehicle
Blood pressure will be lower than usual:
-after taking a bath
-after drinking alcohol
7.Measurements may be impaired if this unit is used near a television, microwave oven,
8.This unit is designed for use by adults. Consult with your physician before using this unit on a child. Do not use on neonatal, infants and children.
9.This unit is not suitable for continuous monitoring during medical emergencies or operations.
10.Do not use the unit for any purpose other than measuring blood pressure. Do not use the unit together with other devices.
11.Improper handling of batteries may result in battery rupture or in corrosion from battery leakage. Please observe the following to ensure proper use of batteries.
a.Be sure to turn off the power after use.
b.Do not mix different types or sizes of batteries.
c.Change all batteries at the same time. Do not mix old and new batteries.
d.Be sure to insert batteries with correct polarity, as instructed.
e.Remove batteries when they are worn out, and dispose of them properly according to all applicable environmental regulations.