Panasonic KX-TA624 user manual Paralleled Telephone Connection, 96Telephone Features

Models: KX-TA624

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3.2Telephone Features

Paralleled Telephone Connection

Any extension can be connected in parallel with a proprietary telephone and a single line telephone. In the event of a power failure, CO1 and CO4 can be accessed using the single line telephones that are connected in parallel with the proprietary telephones to jack numbers 01 and 09 respectively. If the extension receives a call, ringing will be heard from the proprietary telephone and the single line telephone. You can answer the call by using either the proprietary telephone or the single line telephone. An answering machine, facsimile, MODEM (personal computer), etc., can be connected instead of a single line telephone.

System Programming is required to enable this feature.






A proprietary telephone LCD will show you a single line telephone is in use.

The following features will not work with a single line telephone connected in parallel with a proprietary telephone.

Account code input Call Splitting Conference

Door Opener while talking to the doorphone External Feature Access

Pickup dialing

A single line telephone connected in parallel with a proprietary telephone cannot make a call in the following cases.

The proprietary telephone is set to the BGM mode.

The proprietary telephone is receiving a page through the built-in speaker.

The proprietary telephone is set to the PROGRAM mode.

A single line telephone connected in parallel with a proprietary telephone will not ring in the following cases.

The proprietary telephone is set to Hands-free Answerback.

The proprietary telephone is set to “Voice Call” in the Intercom Alert Assignment.

Programming Reference

System Programming — Installation Manual

[610]Paralleled Telephone Connection

3-96Telephone Features

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Panasonic KX-TA624 user manual Paralleled Telephone Connection, 96Telephone Features