Panasonic NV-GS90 Colour night view function, Soft skin mode, To cancel the soft skin mode

Models: NV-GS90

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Record mode

Colour night view function

This function allows you to record colour subjects in dark locations to stand out against the background.

Attach the camera to a tripod, and you can record images free from vibration.

Recorded scene is seen as if frames were missed.

Set to Tape Recording Mode.

1Press the joystick to display the icon. Move the joystick down until icon 1 appears.

2Move the joystick up to select the colour night view icon [ ].


The [COLOUR NIGHT VIEW ON] indication appears on the screen of the movie camera.

If it is difficult to focus, adjust the focus manually. (-30-)

ªTo cancel the colour night view function

Select the [] icon again.

The [COLOUR NIGHT VIEW OFF] indication appears on the screen of the movie camera.

If set in a bright place, the screen may become whitish for a while.

The colour night view function makes the signal charging time of the CCD up to approximately 25k longer than usual, so that dark scenes (a minimum of 2 lx) can be recorded brightly. For this reason, bright dots that are usually invisible may be seen, but this is not a malfunction.

The colour night view function is cancelled when you turn off the power or operate the mode dial.

Soft skin mode

This allows the skin colour to be recorded in a softer tone. This is more effective if you record the bust image of a person.

Set to Tape Recording Mode.

1Press the joystick to display the icon. Move the joystick down until icon 1 appears.

2Move the joystick left to select the soft skin icon [].


The [SOFT SKIN MODE ON] indication appears on the screen of the movie camera.

ªTo cancel the soft skin mode

Select the [] icon again.

The [SOFT SKIN MODE OFF] indication appears on the screen of the movie camera.

If the background or anything else in the scene has colours similar to the skin colour, they will also be smoothed.

If the brightness is insufficient, the effect may not be clear.



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Panasonic NV-GS90 Colour night view function, Soft skin mode, To cancel the colour night view function