Panasonic TQBH9003-6, PT-L750U R manual Indicators, Remedy

Models: PT-L750U R TQBH9003-6

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There are two indicators on the control panel of the projector which give information about the operating condition of the projector. These indicators illuminate or flash to warn you about problems that have occurred inside the projector, so if you notice that one of the indicators is on, turn off the power and check the table below for the cause of the problem.

TEMP indicator


Illuminated (red)

Flashing (red)

Flashing (red)


(Lamp unit on)

(Lamp unit on)

(Lamp unit off)






The surrounding

The temperature

The surrounding


temperature or the

inside the projector

temperature or the


temperature inside

has become

temperature inside


the projector has

dangerously high, or

the projector has


become unusually

the temperature has

become dangerously



suddenly changed.

high, causing the




lamp unit to be




automatically shut










BThe ventilation holes may be covered.


BThe ambient temperature in the place of use may be too high.


BThe air filter may be blocked.







BUncover the ventilation holes.



BSet up the projector in a place where the temperature is


between 0 °C (32 °F) and 40 °C (104 °F) and the humidity is


between 20% and 80% (with no condensation). [If you set the


FAN CONTROL to “HIGH” (page 47), set up the projector in a

place where the temperature is between 0 °C (32 °F) and 35 °C



(95 °F) and the humidity is between 20% and 80% (with no






BTurn off the MAIN POWER switch by following the procedure


on page 31, and then clean the air filter (refer to page 64).






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Panasonic TQBH9003-6, PT-L750U R manual Indicators, Remedy