Colour Gamut
(Native / Rec. 709 /
Reproduces image colour precisely according to the colour gamut standards. Native:
Displays deep colours by expanding the colour gamut to its maximum. Rec. 709:
Standard for HD (High definition)
Standard for NTSC
Standard for PAL
●● For HDMI input or video contents of Media Player (when Colour Remaster and Reversal Film Effect are set to Off)
■■White BalanceAdjusts the white balance of bright red / green / blue areas.
Adjusts the white balance of dark red / green / blue areas.
More Detailed Adjustment
Adjusts more detailed items of White Balance. Input Signal Level:
Adjusts the input signal level.
Adjusts the detailed white balance of bright red / green / blue areas. Reset to Defaults:
Resets items of More Detailed Adjustment.
Reset to Defaults
Resets White Balance to the default settings.
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