Panasonic VDR-M30PP 106, Playing Back by Skipping Scenes Edit Skip, Releasing Skip

Models: VDR-M30PP

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Press the DISC NAVIGATION button. Select the scene to be skipped.
Press the MENU button.


Playing Back by Skipping Scenes (Edit - Skip)

You can specify “Skip” for scenes you do not want to play back: The selected scenes will be skipped.




4 Choose “Scene”, “Edit”,

Sc ene



“Skip”, andthen press the



De l e t e

T h umbna i l


￿ button.

Ed i t

Sk i p



F ad e




5 The “Set Skip” screen will

Se l e c t

Comb i ne


De t a i l

D i v i de





appear: If you are sure





you want to skip the




selected scene, press the ￿ button.


If you want to change the scene to be skipped, you can change it on this screen.

After skip setting, the “Set Skip” screen will be restored.

Repeat step 5 to set skipping of other scenes.

6 Press the ￿ button to quit.

Releasing Skip

Select the scene set to be skipped, and perform the same procedure as setting skip: The skip mark will disappear and skipping of the scene will be released.


Multiple scenes can be selected for skipping (P.100).

If you press the MENU button before pressing the ￿ button in step 5, the submenu screen will appear (P.104).

A skip mark “” will appear in the thumbnail of any scene for which skipping has been set.

Skip mark

Al l

Pr og r ams

0 01 / 013



Page 106
Image 106
Panasonic VDR-M30PP operating instructions 106, Playing Back by Skipping Scenes Edit Skip, Releasing Skip