1.3 Install Your Management Module
A management module provides the functional control for Net to Net Technologies' IPD4000E; the IPD4000E cannot function without one. There are several different models available for purchase: refer to http://www.nettonet.com/products for further information or contact your Net to Net sales representative to discuss your options.
1.3.1 Install an Uplink Module on the Management Module
An uplink module provides the upstream network connection for Net to Net Technologies' IPD4000E; a management module cannot function without one. Depending on the management module model that you plan to install in your IPD4000E, you will need either a Media Interface Module (MIM) or an Uplink Interface Module (UIM). Only one uplink module is required for operational purposes, however two uplink modules may be installed, one in each port of the management module, if redundancy is desired. Refer to your management module and/or uplink module installation instructions at http://www.nettonet.com/support/docs for further information.
CAUTION If a blank plate is removed from a management module uplink port, it must be replaced with an uplink module. DO NOT OPERATE AN IPD4000E WITH A MANAGEMENT MODULE THAT HAS AN OPEN UPLINK PORT.
1.3.2 Identify the Appropriate Slot for Installation
The IPD4000E is a five slot chassis: slots
Management Module Slot
1.3.3 Align the Management Module with the Slot Module Guides
With the management module printed circuit board (PCB) facing UP and the management module model name, and Net to Net logo, on the RIGHT side of the module faceplate (facing towards you), align the left and right edges of the PCB with the U1 slot module guides on the IPD4000E.
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