I n t r o d u c t i o n
This Quick Reference contains supply loading and general maintenance procedures. Additional RFID documents are available on the enclosed
Note: Information in this document supercedes information in previous versions. Check our Web site for the latest documentation and release information.
R F I D O v e r v i e w
Your printer has been engineered to program (encode) an RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) label (commonly called “RFID tags”) before the label’s format is printed. RFID tags contain an embedded RFID inlay (chip and antenna).
RFID is only available on the Monarch→ 9855™ printer using die cut or black mark supplies. Linerless supplies are not currently supported. The RFID printer is also capable of printing standard
The UHF printer supports
The HF printer supports
A b o u t P r o f e s s i o n a l S e r v i c e s
Our Professional Services group can develop custom RFID scripts (applications) or other types of data manipulation scripts. Our experts can ensure your RFID requirements are met. Custom programming can be