3 Important
Read and understand all instructions before you
use your SoundBar. If damage is caused by failure
to follow instructions, the warranty does not apply.


Risk of electric s hock or re!
Never expose the p roduct and accessor ies
to rain or water. Never p lace liquid
containers , such as vases, nea r the product.
If liquids are sp ilt on or into the produc t,
disconnect it f rom the power outlet
immediately. Contact Philips Consumer
Care to have the pro duct checked before
Never place the pro duct and accessorie s
near naked ames o r other heat sources,
including direct sunlight.
Never inser t objects into the ven tilation
slots or other openings on the product.
Where the mains p lug or an appliance
coupler is used as t he disconnect device ,
the disconnec t device shall remain re adily
Disconnect th e product from the pow er
outlet before li ghtning storms.
When you disconne ct the power cord,
always pull the plu g, never the cable.
Risk of short circui t or re!
Before you connec t the product to the
power outlet, e nsure that the power
voltage matches t he value printed on th e
back or bottom of th e product. Never
connect the pro duct to the power outl et if
the voltage is dif ferent.
Risk of injury or da mage to the SoundBar!
For wall-moun table products , use only the
supplied wall mou nt bracket. Secur e the
wall mount to a wall t hat can support th e
combined weight of t he product and the
wall mount. Koninklijke Philips Electronics
N.V. bears no responsibility for improper
wall mounting tha t results in acciden t, injury
or damage.
Never place the pro duct or any objects
on power cords or on oth er electrical


Manufactur ed under license unde r U.S. Patent
#’s: 5,451,942; 5,956,674; 5,974,380; 5,978 ,762;
6,487,535 & other U.S. a nd worldwide patent s
issued & pending. DTS a nd the Symbol are
registere d trademarks & DTS Di gital Surround
and the DTS logos are tr ademarks of DTS, I nc.
Product inclu des software. DTS, Inc. All Rig hts
Manufactur ed under license from D olby
Laborator ies. Dolby, Pro Logic, and t he
double-D sy mbol are tradema rks of Dolby
HDMI, the HD MI logo, and High-De nition
Multimedia In terface are tra demarks or
registere d trademarks of H DMI licensing LLC in
the United Stat es and other countrie s.