it is recommended that the user switch the connection to the ‘standard defi nition’ output. If there are questions regarding our TV set compatibility with this model 525p and 625p DVD player, please contact our customer service center.
Manufactured under license from Dolby Laboratories.
“Dolby” and the
HDMI, and HDMI logo and
DivX, DivX Ultra Certifi ed, and associated logos are trademarks of DivX, Inc. and are used under license.
Offi cial DivX® Ultra Certifi ed product. Plays all versions of DivX® video (including DivX® 6) with enhanced playback of DivX® media fi les and the DivX® Media Format. Plays DivX® video with menus, subtitles and audio tracks.
Manufactured under license under U.S. Patent #’s: 5,451,942; 5,956,674; 5,974,380; 5,978,762; 6,487,535 & other U.S. and worldwide patents issued & pending.
DTS and DTS Digital Surround are registered trademarks and the DTS logos and Symbol are trademarks of DTS, Inc.©
Windows Media and the Windows logo are trademarks, or registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.
ENERGY STAR and the ENERGY STAR mark are registered U.S. marks.
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