TThhee sseett iiss ssttiillll nnoott rreeaaccttiinngg,,
ddiissppllaayy sshhoowwss ee.. gg.. E000
44Remove the mains plug from the socket, hold down the standby button mmon the
front of the video recorder and reinsert the mains plug.When --:-- or E1
appears in the display you can release mm. Warning:All data memories of the set (TV
channel, time,timer) have been deleted.
SSeett nnoo lloonnggeerr rreeaaccttss wwhheenn
bbuuttttoonnss aarree pprreesssseedd
44Mains power has been interrupted / failed
44A programmed recording is running. Interrupt with the standby button mm
44Child lock is activated: Switch this function off
44Technical interference:Remove the mains plug from the socket and reinsert it
RReemmoottee ccoonnttrrooll ddooeess nnoott
44Aim the end of the remote control at the display of the video recorder
44Remove the batteries from the remote control and wait a few seconds before
replacing them
44Batteries weak or flat: Change the batteries
CCaasssseettttee iiss jjaammmmeedd iinn
vviiddeeoo rreeccoorrddeerr44Do not use force! Briefly remove the mains plug and then reinsert it
PPoooorr qquuaalliittyy ppllaayybbaacckk
ffrroomm vviiddeeoo rreeccoorrddeerr
44Check the TV to make sure that the programme number allocated to video
operation is correct
44Cassette worn / faulty
44Tracking not correctly adjusted:Carry out the Optimizing tracking function
NNoo ppllaayybbaacckk ffrroomm vviiddeeoo
44No recording on the cassette
44Select the TV programme number allocated to video operation
44Check that the TV channel number allocated to video operation is correct
44Cable connection loose / missing: Check the connections
NNoo rreeccoorrddiinngg ppoossssiibbllee44TV channel not stored or wrongly selected
44Cassette with erase protection inserted


PPrrooggrraammmmeedd rreeccoorrddiinngg
nnoott wwoorrkkiinngg
44Wrong / incompletely programmed memory location
44Time / date not set correctly
44Cassette with erase protection inserted
PPiiccttuurree aanndd // oorr ssoouunndd
iinntteerrffeerreennccee iinn TTVV
44Optimize the modulator or switch it off (when using a scart cable)
44Check the aerial cable connection


BBeeffoorree yyoouu ccaallll aann eennggiinneeeerr
TTVV rreecceeppttiioonn ssttiillll nnoott
44The Department of Trade and Industry operates a specialist service to help TV licence
holders improve reception of BBC and ITC programmes and to prevent interference.
If your dealer cannot help,ask at a main Post Office for the booklet How to improve
Television and Radio Reception.
DDiimmeennssiioonnss iinn ccmm ((WW//HH//DD))::38,0/9,3/26,0
EEnneerrggyy ccoonnssuummppttiioonn16W
EEnneerrggyy ccoonnssuummppttiioonn ((LLooww PPoowweerr SSttaannddbbyy))< 4W
MMaaiinnss vvoollttaaggee::198-264 V / 50 Hz
NNuummbbeerr ooff vviiddeeoo hheeaaddss::4
NNuummbbeerr ooff aauuddiioo hheeaaddss::1 linear, 2 FM
RReewwiinndd // ffoorrwwaarrdd wwiinndd ssppeeeedd::approx. 100 seconds (E180 cassette)
RReeccoorrddiinngg // ppllaayybbaacckk ssppeeeedd ((EE224400 ccaasssseettttee))::SP (Standard Play) 4 hours, LP (Long Play) 8 hours