Solving Modem Problems Continued
Problem | Possible Cause | Solution |
Modem loses | Call Waiting may be | Disable Call Waiting |
connection | interfering with the | before dialing. |
| connection. | For information about |
| |
| disabling Call Waiting, |
| consult your operating |
| system documentation. |
| To obtain the disable call |
| waiting code for your |
| dialing area, consult your |
| local telephone service |
| provider. |
| Another device on | Hang up an extension |
| your telephone line | telephone and |
| may be causing | disconnect any other |
| interference. | devices that may be |
| using the same |
| telephone line, then |
| redial. |
| Hibernation was | 1. Restore power, if |
| initiated; the computer | necessary. |
| reached a | 2. Slide the power switch |
| or critical | |
| to exit Hibernation, if | |
| condition. | |
| necessary. | |
| |
| 3. Restart the |
| communications |
| software application. |
| Your service provider | Ask your service provider |
| may have an inactivity | if idle time on the line |
| timeout. | terminates the |
| connection. |