Using Quick Controls
Quick Controls establish security measures on your computer when it is on but not in use.
■QuickLock disables your keyboard and pointing device while the computer is running. It leaves your information on the screen but prevents it from being accessed until a
■QuickBlank, used in conjunction with QuickLock, clears the screen when the keyboard and pointing device are disabled.
■QuickLock on Standby (Suspend) automatically disables the keyboard and pointing device when the computer enters Suspend. It prevents your information from being accessed until a
Enabling Quick Controls
Quick Controls establish security measures on your computer when it is on but not in use. After setting the
To enable the Quick Controls:
1.Access Password Properties by selecting StartÆSettingsÆ Control PanelÆPasswordsÆComputer Security tab.
2.Under the Quick Controls section, click in the box to enable QuickLock, QuickBlank, or QuickLock on Suspend. An X in the box indicates that QuickLock/QuickBlank is enabled.
Initiating Quick Controls
You can initiate QuickLock and QuickBlank at any time while the computer is on. Before initiating these security features, the following conditions must be met:
■QuickLock and QuickBlank must be enabled.
Once these requirements are met, you can initiate QuickLock and QuickBlank in two ways: