Solving PC Card Problems Continued


Possible Cause





Computer beeps

Card design or card

only once when a

driver may not be

PC Card is

compatible with the


PCMCIA software.

Call Compaq Customer Support for a current list of Compaq-qualified PC Cards.

PC Card drivers

The PC Card is not

Call the PC Card vendor

fail with error

configured correctly.

or Compaq Customer

messages during


Support for assistance.

system restart




Modem/fax PC

The modem/fax card

Click the modem icon in


Card does not

conflicts with a system

Device Manager, then


board serial device

click Properties to select


(e.g., mouse).

another COM port for the



modem/fax card.



If you are running



Windows NT 4.0, click



Start ÆControl Panel



ÆPorts to select another



COM port for the



modem/fax card.


Card design or card

Call Compaq Customer



driver may not be

Support for a current list of


compatible with the

Compaq-qualified PC Cards.


PCMCIA software.



Network PC Card

Network driver is not

Use the Network


does not work

properly installed or

Neighborhood to identify



information about your



network card and setup.



Then use the Add New



Hardware wizard to install



the correct card driver.



If you are running Windows



NT 4.0, click StartÆControl



PanelÆNetworks to identify



information about your



network card and to install



the correct card driver.


The network card

Call Compaq Customer



design or card driver

Support for a current list of


may not be compatible

Compaq-qualified PC


with the PCMCIA







Minor configuration

Call Compaq Customer



adjustments are

Support or the PC Card


needed for the PC Card

vendor for help with


to work in the network



operating system









Troubleshooting 16-21