Solving Pointing Device Problems


Possible Cause





External pointing

The external pointing

Press the suspend

device is not working

device was connected

button to initiate


to the computer while

Suspend. Press the


the computer was on.

suspend button again to



exit Suspend. This allows



the computer to



recognize the pointing







TouchPad is not

Incorrect or no device

Install the correct device


driver is installed.

driver using the Add New



Hardware wizard.




Device driver is

The wrong mouse is

Use the keyboard to

loaded but pointing


select Automatically

device does not


detect installed hardware



in the Add New



Hardware wizard. Then



use the arrow keys to



highlight the mouse icon



in the selection box and



choose the correct



mouse hardware.



If you are running



Windows NT 4.0, use the



keyboard to press F6.



Then use the arrow keys



to highlight My



Computer, and press



Enter. Use the arrow



keys to highlight Control



Panel, and press Enter.



Use the arrow keys to



highlight Mouse, and



press Enter. Select the



correct mouse hardware,



and press Enter.




Troubleshooting 16-27