screen brightness

adjusting, with hotkeys, 3-5, 3-7 setting, in Windows 95, 5-14 setting, in Windows 98, 5-16

Scroll Lock key, 3-4

Scroll Lock Light Indicator, 2-8 SDRAM (synchronous DRAM)

memory, 11-2 security

DriveLock. See DriveLock enabling and disabling devices, 13-9 enabling Quick Controls, 13-6 initiating Quick Controls, 13-6 Quick Controls, 3-5, 3-6

types, 13-1

using cable lock, 13-2 using Quick Controls, 13-6

security screw keyboard, 2-7

Security screws, 1-3 selecting diskettes, 6-4 Serial connector, 2-6

serial number, computer, A-1 shipping preparing the computer, 12-5 shutting down the computer

computer turns off when operating system shuts down, 5-3

to resolve low-battery or critical low-battery condition, 5-6

when leaving your work, 5-2 when not in use, 5-2, 12-4

single-click mode (Windows 98), 3-3 sleep button (Windows 98), 5-3, 5-4 SoftPaq, 12-2

ROMPaq, 12-2 software

auto insert notification, 5-17 configuration, diagnostic, and system

information, 15-1 MultiMonitor, 3-5 problems. See troubleshooting QuickRestore, 12-4 reinstalling, 12-4 ROMPaq, 12-2, 12-3 support, 14-4

system ROM, 12-2

tools. See Intelligent Manageability updating system, 12-2

software drivers. See device drivers

Speaker ports, 2-2. See also Audio components

speakers and headphones. See audio Standby. See Suspend

Standby (Windows 98), 1-3, 5-3, 5-4 Standby/Suspend switch, 2-1

static electricity, C-1. See electrostatic discharge

status indicator lights, 2-8

Stereo speaker, 10-2. See also Audio components

Stereo speaker jack, 2-4 Stereo speakers, 2-2 Stretching text, 3-7

sunlight, affecting computer, 12-4 support, Compaq, A-1 Suspend (Standby)

defined, 5-2

enabling system-initiated, by turning off auto insert notification, 5-17

exiting with suspend button, 5-4 initiated during critical low-battery

condition, 5-5

initiating with suspend button, 5-3 initiating, when leaving your work,


Suspend button

exiting Suspend (Standby), 5-4 illustrated, 5-2

initiating Hibernation, 5-4

initiating Suspend (Standby), 5-3, 5-6 Suspend light, 2-2

switch power, 5-3

symbols used in guide, xiii system beeps (alarms), indicating

critical low-battery condition, 5-5 Hibernation, initiation of, 5-4 Hibernation, restoration from, 5-4 low-battery condition, 5-5 Suspend, exiting, 5-4

Suspend, initiation of, 5-3 system beeps (alarms), setting

enabling/disabling low-battery or critical low-battery warning, in Windows 95, 5-14

system idle timeout

setting, in Windows 95, 5-13, 5-14 setting, in Windows NT 4.0, 5-13

system information

displaying in Compaq Diagnostics for Windows, 15-1, 15-6

I-8 Index

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HP V300 manual Index