Solving Battery Problems


Possible Cause







Computer is beeping

The computer has

Save your information,


and battery charge

entered a low battery

exit all applications, and


light is blinking


turn off the computer.








If available, immediately




connect the computer to




an external power












If an external power




source is not available in




Windows 95 or Windows




98, initiate Hibernation by




pressing Fn + the




suspend button, or let the




computer go into












Remember that the




computer has not




completed Hibernation




until all lights are off.








Replace the battery pack.








Charge the battery pack.


Battery charge light

Computer entered a

Immediately connect the


is blinking but

low battery condition

computer to an external


computer does not

while low battery

power source. If an



warning beeps and/or

external power source is



system beeps are

not available, initiate



turned down or off.

Hibernation by pressing




Fn + the suspend button,




or let the computer go




into Hibernation




automatically. The




computer has not




completed Hibernation




until all lights are off.




To enable low battery




warning beeps:




1. Click the








Settings tab in Power




Properties and




enable low battery




warning beeps.




2. Press the Fn+F5




hotkeys to adjust




volume for system




warning beeps.


Troubleshooting 16-5