Solving Screen Problems Continued


Possible Cause







Screen is blank and

The computer has

Connect the computer to


no lights are on

either entered

an external power



Hibernation or, if




Hibernation is




Charge the battery pack.



disabled, the battery



pack has discharged




Replace the battery pack



without saving your



with a fully charged






battery pack.









Screen is blank and

QuickLock and

Type your power-on


keyboard is locked

QuickBlank were

password to unlock the



initiated. These

keyboard and pointing



security features lock

device and return the



the keyboard and

information to the screen.



pointing device and




clear the screen.







Screen is blank and

External monitor was

Press Fn+F4 on the


external monitor

turned on before the

computer keyboard to


displays information

computer was turned

switch from the external




monitor to the computer










Information does not

External monitor was

Place the computer in


display on the

connected after the

Suspend by pressing the


external monitor

computer was turned

suspend button. Be sure




the external monitor is




connected and turned




on, then press the




suspend button to exit










The computer does not recognize the correct display type.

Click the Settings tab in Display Properties. Click Change Display Type and reselect your display type, then restart the computer.

Troubleshooting 16-25