LaserBarcodeStandard Commands & Logo

LaserBarcode Standard Command Set
Independent Commands


Audio OffAudio 1/LeftAudio 2/RightAudio StereoVideo OffVideo On


Step Forward (CAV Only)Step Reverse (CAV Only)Reject/Spin DownMarker ClearDebug On

Plays the videodisc inserted in drawer.

Turns Audio OFF.

Sets the audio control attribute to "analog channel 1," plays back analog left channel audio only.

Sets the audio control attribute to "analog channel 2," plays back analog right channel audio only.

Sets the audio control attribute to "analog stereo," plays back analog left and right analog channels simultaneously.

Turns Video OFF.

Turns Video ON.

Pauses the player, presents a squelch screen.

Steps forward one frame at a time.

Steps backward one frame at a time.

Spins down the player, presents a squelch screen.

Clears, and plays through Chapter markers.

Instructs player to maintain various player settings so barcodes can be tested.

Debug Off

Turns debug feature OFF.



Appendix D LaserBarcode & LB2 Commands & Logos TP 117 v. 2.0 • `12/93 D-1