CLD-V2600 & CLD-V2400 Internal Player Controls

Digit Buffer (manual control)

This buffer stores the numeric values of arguments for normal control operations. The contents of this buffer are sent to the specified register for command execution.

Command Processor (manual control)

This reads the contents of the RCU/key decoder and sends the contents to the digit buffer if they are arguments, or executes the command if the RCU/key decoder contains a command.

RCU/Key Decoder

This monitors RCU/key inputs. If arguments and commands are input, the decoder generates the internal code corresponding to the input data.

Current Frame or Time Register

This register stores the current frame number (LD-CAV) or the current time number (LD-CLV or CD).

P-Time Register

This register stores the P-Time (elapsed time within a track) location on a CD.

Current Chapter or Track Register

This register stores the current chapter number if an LD encoded with chapters is playing. It stores the current track number if a CD is playing.

Current Index Register

This register stores the current index of a specific track on a CD.

Search Frame or Time Register

This register stores the frame number (LD-CAV) or time number (LD-CLV or CD) of the search destination. The search operation is performed by comparing the contents of this Search Frame or Search Time Register and the contents of the Current Frame or Current Time Register.

Search Chapter or Track Register

This register stores the chapter (LD) or track (CD) number of the search destination. The search operation is performed by comparing the contents of this Search Chapter Register or Search Track Register and the contents of the Current Chapter Register or the Current Track Register.

Search Index Register

This register stores the index number of the search when a CD is playing.

Appendix H CLD-V2400 Internal Player Controls TP 117 v. 2.0 • 12/93
