Content Security Gateway User’s Manual

DMZ Interface: Display DMZ NAT Mode /DMZ TRANSPARENT Mode functions of DMZ to show if they are enabled or disabled.

IP Address: The private IP address of the Content Security Gateway’s DMZ interface. This will be the IP address of the DMZ port. If it is in NAT mode, the IP address the Administrator chooses will be a private IP address and cannot use the same network as the WAN or LAN network.

NetMask: This will be the subnet mask of the DMZ network.

Ping: Select this to allow the DMZ network to ping the IP Address of the Content Security Gateway. This will allow people from the Internet to be able to ping the Content Security Gateway. If set to enable, the device will respond to echo request packets from the DMZ network.

HTTP: Select this to allow the device WebUI to be accessed from the DMZ network. This will allow the WebUI to be configured from a user on the Internet. Keep in mind that the device always requires a username and password to enter the WebUI.

4.3 Policy Object

The Policy Object is the pre-setting item for Policy editing. The administrator can configure all necessary items here before he wants to configure Content Security Gateway Policy. The contents include Address, Service, Schedule, QoS, Authentication, Content Blocking, Virtual server and VPN.

4.3.1 Address

The Content Security Gateway allows the Administrator to set addresses of the LAN network, LAN network group, WAN network, WAN group, DMZ network and DMZ group.

What is the Address Table?

An IP address in the Address Table can be an address of a computer or a sub network. The Administrator can assign an easily recognized name to an IP address. Based on the network it belongs to, an IP address can be an LAN IP address, WAN IP address and DMZ IP address. If the Administrator needs to create a control policy for packets of different IP addresses, he can first add a new group in the LAN Network Group or the WAN Network Group and assign those IP addresses into the newly created group. Using group addresses can greatly simplify the process of building control policies.

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