Common Connection Types




ISP Data required



Your IP Address is allocated


a) ADSL parameters (VPI and


IP Address

automatically, when you connect


VCI) may be required, if they



to you ISP.


cannot be detected automatically.





b) Some ISP's may require you to





use a particular Hostname or





Domain name, or MAC (physical)












Static (Fixed)

Your ISP allocates a permanent


a) ADSL parameters (VPI and


IP Address

IP Address to you.


VCI) may be required, if they



Usually, the connection is "Al-


cannot be detected automatically.



ways on".


b) IP Address allocated to you,









and related information, such as





Network Mask, Gateway IP





address, and DNS address.








You connect to the ISP only when


a) ADSL parameters (VPI and



required. The IP address is


VCI) may be required, if they



usually allocated automatically.


cannot be detected automatically.





b) User name and password are





always required.





c) If using a Static (Fixed) IP





address, you need the IP address





and related information (Network





Mask, Gateway IP address, and





DNS address)








Normally, the connection is


a) ADSL parameters (VPI and


(IP over ATM)

"Always on".


VCI) may be required, if they





cannot be detected automatically.





b) IP Address allocated to you,





and related information, such as





Network Mask, Gateway IP





address, and DNS address.