2.Choose the trap manager that you want to delete and then press “Enter”.

3.When pressing “Enter” will complete deletion. LACP

The Link Aggregation Control Protocol (LACP) provides a standardized means for exchanging information between Partner Systems on a link to allow their Link Aggregation Control instances to reach agreement on the identity of the Link Aggregation Group to which the link belongs, move the link to that Link Aggregation Group, and enable its transmission and reception functions in an orderly manner. Link aggregation lets you group up to eight consecutive ports into a single dedicated connection. This feature can expand bandwidth to a device on the network. LACP operation requires full-duplex mode, more detail information refers to IEEE 802.3ad. You can configure and view all the LACP status.

LACP Configuration interface Working Ports Setting

1.Select <Edit>

2.Group: Display the trunk group ID.

3.Working Port Num: The max number of ports can be aggregated at the same time. If LACP static trunk group, the exceed ports is standby and able to aggregate if work ports fail. If it is local static trunk group, the number must be the same as group ports.

4.Select <Apply>

"Note: Before set LACP support, you have to set trunk group on the Trunk Configuration.