D es i g n P h i l os o p hy
From a distance you can see that the design of the Plinius products is more than
an applied st yling exercise to the front panel. We have star ted from the ground up to produce a casing for our elect ronics that is unrivalled in its physical st rength and visual simplicit y.
Wherever possible we have reduced the number of par ts needed and then invested massively in refining and producing the remaining par ts to the highest qualit y achievable with state of the ar t computer cont rolled machines allied with exper t
craf tsman. Examples of this approach include the hydraulically formed corners on
the amplifiers giving much greater st rength and the one piece housing for the remote cont rol that looks, feels and genuinely is robust.
As with music that you are not familiar with, t ruly innovative new designs can take time
to understand and enjoy. How of ten have you heard music that you were first unsure of, that over repeated listening, has become a firm favourite?
Our designs are fundamentally dif ferent to many other companies, and we hope that you will take the time to explore their unique character and qualities because we have
not made them dif ferent simply to be dif ferent. We genuinely believe that their visual and tactile qualities do improve the experience of listening to music and that is our design goal!
Ross Stevens