User Information
SelectSettings > User Information and press OK.
•Weight:Enter your weight.
•Height:Enter your height.
•Dateof birth: Enter your date of birth
•Sex: Select MALE or FEMALE.
•Maximumheart rate is the highest number of
heartbeatsper minute (bpm) during maximum
physicalexertion. Change the default value only
ifyou know your laboratory-measured value.
•Activity:Select the alternative that best
describesthe overall amount and intensity of
yourphysical activity during the past three
1. TOP(5+ hours per week): You participate
inheavy physical exercise at least 5 times a
week,or you exercise to improve
performancefor competitive purposes.
2. HIGH(3-5 hours per week): You
participateat least 3 times a week in heavy
physicalexercise, e.g. you run 20-50 km or
12-31miles per week or spend 3-5 hours
perweek in comparable physical activity.
3. MODERATE(1-3 hours per week): You
participateregularly in recreational sports, run 5-10 km or 3-6 miles per week
orspend 1-3 hours per week in comparable
physicalactivity, or your work requires
modestphysical activity.
4. LOW(0-1 hours per week): You do not
participateregularly in programmed
recreationalsport or heavy physical activity, walk only for pleasure, or exercise
hardenough to cause heavy breathing or
perspirationonly occasionally.
•OwnIndex(VO2m): When you perform Polar
FitnessTest, your OwnIndex value is shown as a
default.Change the default value only if you
knowyour laboratory-measured VO2max value.