(NOM) limit for each linked automixer. The maximum value for this command is 64. This NOM limit is a “global” limit, meaning that this limit applies to all linked automixers with the same Bus ID.
Off Attenuation. Sets the Off Attenuation (in dB) for the specified automixer. Setting this value to 18 would result in the microphone signals being attenuated by 18 dB when gated off. This value is set independently for each of the auto- mixers.
Channel Settings.
Automixer (Inputs
Threshold Type. Sets adaptive or manual automatic gating thresholds per input. The default is adaptive.
Gating Mode. Sets the automixer gating control mode for specified input chan- nel. The possible modes are Normal Gating, Microphone Forced On, or Micro- phone Forced Off.
Adpative Threshold. This is also referred to as the Adaptive Threshold. This allows you to determine when to gate a microphone on based on an estimate of the background noise level. The default value is to gate a channel on if it is more than 10 dB louder than the background noise level. Values range from 0 to 100 dB. To set the Adaptive Threshold, scroll through the Adaptive Threshold range and select the desired Adaptive Threshold by pressing ENTER.
Manual Threshold. Sets the automixer gating threshold for the specified input channel. This value is only used if the input set to Manual Gating via the THRESHOLD TYPE option.
Gate Priority. The priority of each microphone can be assigned a value ranging from 1 to 4. Priority 1 microphones have priority over priority 4 microphones for gating. The default is to have all microphones set to priority 1. If Chairman Mode is enabled, all microphones including ones with priority of 1 will be gated off when the Chairman mic gates on.
When using more than one Vortex device in your room system, you have several pos- sibilities for how you configure the automixer. Each device can operate as one of the following:
•One automixer, independent of other devices linked to it
•Two automixers, independent of other devices linked to it
•One large automixer, sharing automixer functions with other devices linked to it
•Two large automixers, sharing automixer functions with other devices linked to it
Figure 14. Vortex Automixer Settings in Conference Composer Software
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