Short stock. Never shape stock less than 12 inches in length without special fixtures. Where practical, shape longer stock and cut to size.
12 inch rule. When shaping, never allow your hands to come closer than 12 inches to the cutters.
Hand safety. Never pass the hands directly over or in front of the cutters. As one hand approaches the 12 inch radius point, remove it (or the push stick) in an arc motion and reposition hands 12 inches beyond the cutters. See Figure 1.
Collars. When shaping with collars, the collar must have sufficient bearing surface (see page 18). The work must also be fairly heavy in proportion to the cut being made. Do not use short, lightweight stock when shaping against collars.
The opening between the fence plates should be only just enough to clear the cutter.
Edge shaping. Always use the mitre gauge and clamp attachment when edge shaping stock less than 6" wide. The fence should be removed during this operation.
Feed stock opposite to the direction of the cutter rotation. Never back stock out of the cutter once the cut has been started. Instead, pull the stock straight back away from cutter and begin the cut again. See Figure 2.
Make sure the spindle and the draw bar are tightened on the arbor.
Safety lock washer. Never operate the shaper without the safety locking keyed washer located immediately under the spindle nut. See Figure 3. This prevents the nut from coming loose when the spindle is run in a counterclockwise direction. Do not substitute any other
type washer in place of the safety lock washer.
Replacement parts. Use only Powermatic or factory authorized replacement parts and accessories; other- wise the shaper warranty and guarantee is null and void.
Misuse. Do not use this Powermatic shaper for other than its intended use. If used for other purposes, Powermatic disclaims any real or implied warranty and holds itself harmless for any injury or damage which may result from that use.
If you are not thoroughly familiar with the operation of spindle shapers, obtain advice from your supervisor, instructor or other qualified person.
Drugs, alcohol, medication. Do not operate this machine while under the influence of drugs, alcohol, or any medication.