UPS Power Management
3.If you entered a host name for the Mail Server, you must enter the IP address of your network DNS Server in the DNS Address block.
4.To receive a daily status report, enter the time of day to send the
5.Enter the Mail Account, Description, Mail Type, Event Level, and Event Type for each recipient. Refer to the online help file for more details on each of these fields.
6.Select Set Values to save your changes.
Performing a Manual UPS Battery Test
You can use the BestLink Adapter to manually perform a UPS battery test. The ability to test the UPS is model dependent, so consult your UPS documentation for more information.
1.To manually start a battery test on a specific UPS, select Control from the menu at the top of the home page.
2.Become a Superuser and then select Initiate Battery Test, followed by Set Values to start the process.
3.To stop the test while in progress, you can select Cancel Battery Test followed by Set Values.
Scheduling a UPS Battery Test
You can use the BestLink Adapter to perform a UPS battery test on a
1.To schedule a battery test on a specific UPS, select Control from the menu at the top of the home page.
2.Select Battery Test Schedule.
3.Become a Superuser and then select the Test Day and Test Time (in
4.Set Set Values to update the adapter with the schedule information.
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