About this Guide
viii PT2000TM & Top GunTM
Technical SupportPSC Website Technical Support
The most comprehensive source for technical su pport and information
for PSC products is the PSC website: www.pscnet.com. The site offers
product support, product registration, warranty information, answers to
frequently asked questions (product FAQs), product manuals, product
tech notes, software updates, patches, dem os, and instructions for
returning products for repair.
Reseller Technical Support
Another excellent source for technical assistance and information is an
authorized PSC reseller. A reseller is directly acquainted with specific
types of businesses, application software, and computer systems and,
therefore, is in the best position to provide individualized assistance.
E-Mail Technical Support
If the solution to a technical support question is not available through
the PSC website or a local reseller, contact PSC technical support
directly via E-mail at TechSupport@pscnet.com.
Tel ep h on e Te ch ni ca l S up po rt
For those without E-mail access, call toll-free in the USA 1 (800) 547-
2507 or (541) 683-5700 from outside the United States of America.
PSC Solutions Group
For advanced, cost-effective services, contact the PSC Solutions Group
(PSG) at (888) 583-3008 or (541) 683-5700 from outside the United
States of America, or psg@pscnet.com. You can also visit PSG’s webpage,
accessible at www.pscnet.com.