
150 PT2000 & Top Gun

File to Transmit dialog box (PTFER) 5-76
file tran sfe r, u tilities fo r
MACTFER 5-72, 5-81 to 5-82
PDTFER 5-72, 5-80
PTFER 5-72, 5-73 to 5-79
updtfer 5-72, 5-83 to 5-84
full (exte nded) ASC II mo de 4-64, 4-66
bar codes for G-129
programming parameters for A-88
full key boa rd s upport B-95 to B-96
func tion key s 2-12
getting started quickly 1-4 to 1-5
hands haking, Xon/Xoff 4-68
input d ev ice , atta c hing to PT 20 00 3-18
interc ha racte r de lay
bar codes for G-140
programming parameters for A-90
interface cables
keyboard wedge 3-21
serial 3-49
Inte rl ea v ed 2 o f 5
bar codes for G-130 to G-132
checksum 4-66
programming parameters for A-88
introdu c tion 1-2 to 1-3
inventory trac king s ee INVPRO
INVP R O 3-29 to 3-32
starting 3-23
ISBN, co nverting from EAN-13 A-89
bar codes for G-137
Japan Article Numbering (JAN)
bar codes for G-137 to G-138
extensions 4-66, A-89, G-138
programming parameters for A-89
key boa rd ke ys , pro gra mm ing B-95 to B-96
key boa rd we dge 3-21 to 3-23
cables for 3-21
installing 3-21 to 3-22
uploading data 3-51
key pa d 2-10 to 2-13
function keys 2-12
I/O (on/off) key 2-12, 3-19, 3-53
modes 2-12
on/off (I/O) key 2-12, 3-19, 3-53
scrolling keys 2-14
las e r se e Top Gun mod ule
Macintosh computers, transferring data
from 5-81 to 5-82
MAC TF E R 5-72, 5-81 to 5-82
mes sag e