
148 PT2000 & Top Gun

batteries E-115 to E-122
baud rate 4-68
bar codes for G-143 to G-144
default 5-74
programming parameters for A-91
in PDTFER 5-80
in PTFER 5- 77, 5-78, 5-79
bee pe r 2-15
bar codes for 4-58, G-141 to G-142
programming parameters for A-90
bits , da ta a nd s top 4-68
bar codes for G-144
default 5-74
programming parameters for A-91
setting in PTFER 5-77
BKSP key 2-13
buttons s ee keypad
keyboard wedge 3-21
serial 3-49
calendar see date and time
ca ret (^) in display s cree n 2-13
chang ing communic ations s ettings 5-76
to 5-77
character set, full (extended) ASCII 4-64,
bar codes for G-129
programming parameters for A-88
charging backup battery message E-121
check-in and check-out see TRACKPRO
Interleaved 2 of 5 4-66
protocol 4-68
cleaning the portable 3-55
clock see time and date
bar codes for G-132 to G-134
programming parameters for A-88
Code 128
bar codes for G-138 to G-139
programming parameters for A-89
Code 39
accumulate option 4-66
programming parameters for A-88
bar codes for G-128 to G-130
equivalents for keyboard keys B-95 to B-96
full (extended) ASCII mode 4-64, 4-66
bar codes for G-129
programming parameters for A-88
programming parameters for A-88
Code 93
bar codes for G-134 to G-135
programming parameters for A-88
co llec ting da ta 3-21 to 3-35
COM port se e port
command line options
for PDTFER 5-80
for PTFER 5-78 to 5-79
communica tions port s ee po rt
co mmun ica tions se tting s
changing 5-76 to 5-77
Port options for 5-77
for PTFER 5-74
for updtfer 5-84
Communica tions S ettings dialog box
(PTFER ) 5-77
connector cable s
keyboard wedge 3-21
serial 3-49
connector configurations F-123 to F-126
conversion options 4-66, A-89