Using the PT Dock
Users Gu ide 113
Using the PT Dock
Set up the PT Dock as described in the preceding section. Place the
PT2000 or Top Gun into the dock, with the keypad facing out. To use a
power adapter or the keyboard wedge configuration, the green LED
labeled READY on the front panel of the PT Dock should light up. (If
the READY light does not come on, make sure the POWER light is on
and the portable is fully inserted into the dock. If it still doesnt work,
make sure the PT Dock adapter is securely attached to the portable and
that the contacts in the dock are clean.)
When the portable is in the Dock, the user may download programs or
data to it, or u pload da ta from i t, just as if it we re conn ected di rectly t o a
workstation. The user can also leave the unit in the dock while using an
attached bar code reader.

Recharging the Portables Batteries

When using a nickel-cadmium (NiCd) battery pack in the portable, use
the PT Dock to recharge it. Leave the battery pack in the port able while
it is in the dock. The battery pack and the backup battery will be
recharged while the READY light is on. (Refer to page page116 to make
sure Switch 2 in the portables battery compartment is correctly


With normal use, the PT Dock should require no maintenance. To
clean the contacts in the Dock or on the adapter, wipe them with a
damp cloth after removing the power supply (adapter or keyboard
wedge cable) from the unit. Wait for the contacts to dry before using the
PT Dock again.
Note: Use the keyboard wedge connection or the power adapter to
recharge the batteries.