Transferring Data With PSC Utilities
74 PT2000 & Top Gun PDTs
3. By default, PTFER uses the following communications setti ngs:
These are also the default settings for the PT2000 and Top Gun.
Scan the following bar code to set the portable’s serial
communications parameters to these defaults:
To switch to a different port or make other changes to the
defaults, refer to “Changing Settings,” on page76.
4. Select Options >Connect (or click on the Connect button in
the Communications Settings dialog box) to connect with the
selected port.
5. The message Communications port opened appears in the
window. It is now possible to transfer files between the PC and
the portable.
Uploading a File
To upload a file from the PT2000 or Top Gun to the PC:
1. Select File > Receive and use the File to Receive dialog box
(refer to Figure 5-2) to specify the name and location of the file to
store the data in.
Port COM2
Baud rate 9600
Stop bits 1
Data bits 8
Parity None
Protocol ACK/NAK
Serial Communication
parameters (defaults) *$+$-C8EE*
* $ + $ - C 8 E E *