Using the PT2000 and Top Gun with PALPRO
36 PT2000 & Top Gun PDTs
to files or create them from scratch in the portable as you collect
inventory data.
When you enter an item ID into the portable, the application checks the
loaded item file for that entry. If the ID matches one in the file, the
portab le displ ays a de scripti on of the item (wh ich it ge ts from t he loade d
description file) and prompts you for the number of individual units of
the item. If the ID does not match one in the item file, the application
allows you to add the ID and a description to the database.
The item and description files are simple ASCII text files consisting of
singles lines of data. The lines in the two files correspond to each other;
that is, the first line in the description file is the de scription of the item
in the first line of the item file, the second line in the description file is
the description of the item in the second line of the item file, and so on.
Examples of the two types of files are shown below. The item file is on
the left, and the description file is on the right.
00-629-02 PT DOCK MANUAL
00-667-00 PT2000 MANUAL
00-670-00 S10+ MANUAL
00-675-00 S20+ MANUAL
Note: T he two files must have exactly the same number of lines,
even if some of the lines are blank.