Top Gun
User’s Guide 9
zTRACKPRO, for tracking check-in and check-out of articles at
one or more locations. An optional date-and-time stamp records
when each item is checked in or out.
PALPRO is part of the PSC Portable Applications Library (PAL). With
PAL, the PT2000 can be customized for specific purposes without using
a programming application. Or use the PSC Program Generator™
(PPG™) to create additional custom programs for the PT2000.
Top G un
Top Gun is an integrated unit consisting of a laser module mounted on
a PT2000. The Top Gun module is also available separately as an add-
on for the PT2000 (refer to Figure 2-1 on page 10). The module attaches
to the 9-pin connector at the top of the PT2000 and can be adapted for
right- or left-handed use. The module has two triggers, allowing
scanning with either the index finger or thumb.
Use Top Gun to scan ba r code la bels on f lat, cu rved, or irregul ar surfa ces
at distances ranging from one inch to two feet. T he Top Gun laser
module operates like other handheld lase rs—just aim and press the
trigger. Light-emitting diodes (LEDs) on the module indicate laser
activation and good reads. An audible tone also indicates good reads.
Collected data is stored in the PT2000.
Note: Please contact a PSC dealer for more information about