
Users Guide 153

serial cable
attaching 3-49
uploading data 3-49
serial characters, Code 39 and ASCII
equivalents 4-70
serial communications
bar codes for G-143 to G-145
parameters for A-91
se ria l port s ee po rt
se ria l prog ram ming p ara me ters 3-50, 4-
68 to 4-70, A-91
bar codes for G-143 to G-145
se tting a p as sw ord 3-20
se tting time and date 3-19 to 3-20, 4-67
stop bits 4-68
default 5-74
programming parameters for A-91
setting in PTFER 5-77
s witc hing PA LPR O a pplic a tions 3-26
symbologies 2-8
displaying 2-15
time and date
bar codes for G-143
programming parameters for A-90
setting date 3-19 to 3-20, 4-67
setting time 3-19 to 3-20, 4-67
setting time format 4-67
time ou t
programming parameters for A-91
setting in PDTFER 5-80
setting in PTFER 5-78
title s of PA LPRO programs, c hanging 3-
TopGu n
about 2-9
attaching to computer
keyboard wedge configuration 3- 21
serial configuration 3-49
bar codes for programming 4-58, G-127 to
creating 4-64 to 4-65
multiple 4-65
batteries E-115 to E-122
cleaning 3-55
connector configurations F-123 to F-126
default communications settings 5-74
downloading data from
using PTFER 5-76
see also file transfer, utilities for
module see T opGun module
predefined defaults 4-63
bar codes for G-128
resetting 3-54
bar code for 4- 58
serial parameters 3-50
symbologies read by 2-8
displaying 2-15
turning off 3-53
turning on 3-19
uploading data from
using PTFER 5-74 to 5-75
see also file transfer, utilities for
TopGu n modu le 2-10, C-99 to C-105
attaching to PT 2000 C-100 to C-102
changing orientation of C-103
product labeling C-105
specifications C-105
tracking ass ets s ee ASSETPRO
trac king in ven tory s ee INVP RO
TRAC KPRO 3-32 to 3-53
starting 3-23
tran sfe rring data 5-71 to 5-84
from a Macintosh 5-81 to 5-82
from a UNIX workstation 5-83 to 5-84