
152 PT2000 & Top Gun

predefined defaults A-87
bar codes for G-128
see also programming parameters
programming pa ramete rs A-85 to A-91
general 4-66 to 4-67, A-88 to A-90
predefined defaults 4-63, A-87
bar codes for G-128
serial 3-50, 4-68 to 4-70, A-91
pro gra mm ing u tilitie s 4-59 to 4-62
programs see PALPRO
prompts, cha nging 3-25
default 5-74
programming parameters for A-91
Xmodem 4-68
PT 2000
about 2-7 to 2-16
attaching input device to 3-18
attaching to computer
keyboard wedge configuration 3-21
serial configuration 3-49
attaching TopGun module to C-100 to C-
bar codes for programming 4-58, G-127 to
creating 4-64 to 4-65
multiple 4-65
batteries E-115 to E-122
cleaning 3-55
connector configurations F-123 to F-126
default communications settings 5-74
downloading data from
using PTFER 5-76
see also file transfer, utilities for
predefined defaults 4-63
bar codes for G-128
resetting 3-54
bar code for 4- 58
serial parameters 3-50
symbologies read by 2-8
displaying 2-15
turning on 3-19
turning on off 3-53
uploading data from
using PTFER 5-74 to 5-75
see also file transfer, utilities for
PT Dock 2-16, D-107 to D-113
connector configuration F-126
PTFER 5-72, 5-73 to 5-79
command line options 5-78 to 5-79
communications settings 5-74
changing 5-76 to 5-77
dialog boxes
Communications Settings 5-77
File to Receive 5-75
File to Transmit 5-76
quick-start guide 1-4 to 1-5
random-access memory (RAM) 3-17
displaying 2-15
reg istra tion c ard 1-4
res e tting the porta ble 3-54
bar code for 4- 58
rev iewing da ta 3-47 to 3-48
screen (display) 2-13 to 2-15
scrolling 2-14
selecting a PALPRO application 3-23