B–Simple Network Management Protocol
Management Information Base (MIB)
ISR651101-00 J B-11
Syntax InetAddressType
Access Read-only
Description Type of iSCSI initiator’s IP address (IPv4 or IPv6).
Syntax InetAddress
Access Read-only
Description IP address of the iSCSI initiator.
Syntax Integer:
1 = unknown,
2 = loggedIn,
3 = loggedOut,
4 = recovery
Access Read-only
Description Status of the iSCSI initiator; that is, whether or not it is
logged into the router.
Syntax SnmpAdminString
Access Read-only
Description The type of the iSCSI initiator’s operating system.
Syntax Integer: 0 = enabled; 2 = disabled
Access Read-only
Description A value indicating whether CHAP is enabled or not for this
iSCSI initiator.