C–Log Messages
C-12 ISR651101-00 J
56880 Start time got from user %lu Cur Time: %lu
Diff: %d App Info The log shows the configured start time and current
time for a delayed migration job.
56881 Failed to stop migration job id %u App Info Failed to stop a migration job; the error message
includes the job ID.
56884 QLDM_DeleteMigrationJobByLun: Could not
find migration object App Info Did not find a migration job for the associated LUN
69652 #%d: qlutm_init: Diagnostic failed,
invalid SRAM iSCSI Fatal iSCSI processor SRAM test failed.
69653 #%d: qlutm_init: Diagnostic failed, fail
reboot iSCSI Fatal iSCSI processor failed diagnostic reboot.
69654 #%d: qlutm_init: Diagnostic failed,
invalid NVRAM iSCSI Fatal iSCSI processor failed NVRAM diagnostic.
69655 #%d: qlutm_init: Diagnostic failed,
invalid DRAM iSCSI Fatal iSCSI processor failed DRAM diagnostic.
69656 #%d: qlutm_init: Failed to return
diagnostic result to Bridge iSCSI Fatal iSCSI processor failed to return diagnostic results.
69941 #%d: QLUtmProcessResponseQueue: Invalid
handle %x EntryType %x iSCSI Fatal Response queue entry contains an invalid handle.
69951 #%d: QLSetNvram: QLRebootTimer failed
AF %x RS %x Time %d iSCSI Fatal Set NVRAM reboot timer failed.
69964 #%d: QLDisable: QLRebootTimer failed
AF %x RS %x Time %d iSCSI Fatal Port disable reboot timer failed.
Table C-1. iSR6200 Router Log Messages (Continued)
ID Log Message Module
Type Msg.
Type Description